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Summer can be a busy time, but it is also a time to get outside and recharge your batteries before a big fall. So for July and August, OneChurch puts a pause on all our regular midweek ministries and shift to BBQs. People take turns hosting the BBQ in their yard, and it is a great time to laugh and enjoy good food together.  What do you need to host? A yard and a BBQ.  What do you need to come? We ask everyone to bring enough meat for their family, a side to share, and chairs. The church provides the plates and the drinks. 

If you are interested and want to fill an empty slot, click the 'Host a BBQ' button and fill out the form, or sign up in the foyer at the Carlyle Campus.

Dates and Locations:

June 26 - Lynn and Jaime Brimner

July 3 - Clarence and Kim Wagner

July 10 - Doug and Cynthia Hindmarch

July 17 - Paul and Maureen Cameron

July 24

July 31

August 7 - Redvers Campus

August 14 - Kevin and Renee Reimer

August 21 - Pastor Matt and Michelle Redstone

August 28 - Blair and Deb Andrew

Host a BBQ